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Don't Take Chances: How To Get Ready For An Independent Orthopedic Evaluation

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If you suffered orthopedic injuries in an accident and you've filed a personal injury claim, you may be asked to undergo an independent orthopedic evaluation. It's not uncommon for insurance companies to ask for this type of evaluation, especially during a personal injury case. If you've been scheduled for an independent orthopedic evaluation for your injuries, it's important that you prepare for the appointment. Here are some steps you can take to improve the outcome of your independent orthopedic evaluation. 

Study Your Medical History

Now that you're preparing for your IOE - independent orthopedic evaluation - take the time to read your medical records. It's especially important that you familiarize yourself with the records pertaining to your accident injuries. Your medical evaluator will want to talk about your injuries and how they've affected your life. If you don't know what's in your records, you won't be able to provide effective answers. Make sure you're prepared for the questions. Get a copy of your medical records, and go over all the details. 

Be Honest About Your Symptoms

If you've suffered orthopedic injuries and you need to receive an IOE, be honest about your symptoms. It's especially important that you don't exaggerate any of your symptoms, including pain levels and limitations. If you exaggerate those issues, you could end up with more serious problems. It's important to note that the insurance company may have been tracking your activities. If that's the case, it's important for you to be honest about the activities you're able to participate in. If the insurance company may have pictures of you mowing the lawn, you don't want to tell the medical evaluator that you can't put weight on your knee. 

Explain Prior Related Injuries

If you're claiming orthopedic injuries and you've suffered similar injuries before, share that information during the evaluation. If you've signed a medical records release, the independent evaluator already knows about the previous injuries. Failing to bring the previous injuries up during the evaluation could make it look like you're trying to hide them. Instead, explain the previous injuries and how they relate to your current injuries. For instance, let the evaluator know if your previous injuries had not left you with continuing medical problems. If the current injuries caused pain to return, be sure to share that as well. 

If you're scheduled for an independent orthopedic evaluation, don't let the appointment cause anxiety. Instead, use the tips provided here to help you to prepare for the appointment.

To learn more, contact a resource that offers independent orthopedic evaluations.
